We are fundraising to be ready when medical emergencies happen!
Paw Partners is a new targeted giving program to establish a fund in support of emergency veterinary care for the precious charges housed in, and/or arriving to our Sanctuary. Often, our rescues have been facing difficult circumstances and come to us malnourished, injured or diseased. These beautiful creatures need emergency attention, many times to save, but at the very least, to restore their lives. And this requires immediate funds that, with day-to-day operational expenses, are not always readily at hand.
At the same time, accidents happen - puppies eat anything and everything, grown dogs injure themselves playing and, every so often, someone is stricken with a life-threatening disease. These expenses can run in the thousands, cannot be planned for and, if funds are not available, can spell disaster for all involved!
Paw Parent is calling on you to consider joining our Paw Partners Recurring Giving Program in support of an Emergency Veterinary Fund to help us defray these unexpected, yet unavoidable expenses. Thank You!